Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Menominee River Creatures

Our crayfish dug homes in the river floor
They’d dart in their holes when we neared
Their sharp little claws were like lobsters
Nonetheless, it was humans they feared

Snapping turtles drifted by at dusk
Steve shot a huge buck with his bow
We towed it to shore with our green rowboat
Turtle murder, that made us feel low

The Great Blue Heron is a wading bird
She grows over four feet in height
And loves to eat fish and water bugs
So thrilling to see her in flight 
The otter had nests on the river bank
Steve captured a bunch with his trap
He sold their pelts for fifty cents each
To a down and out grungy old chap

Mallards are the most handsome duck of all
The male shows off his green head 
I went hunting for ducks with Dick Sawyer
But never took a shot, when all’s said 

Mudpuppies surely are the ugliest
And they live over twenty long years
They like to eat minnows and fish eggs
Near the top of my childhood river fears 

The loons lived together in the Channel
These are birds that can fly very fast 
They swim underwater to hunt for fish  
And head South when the summer is past 

The clams lay quietly near the shoreline 
We’d step on one when we’d go in 
For kicks we would pry their shells open 
An act which I now call a sin 

There were millions of minnows all summer
They swam in the shallow warm water
Life as a minnow was perilous
Being favorite snacks of the otter

We might see a seagull every now and then
Though Green Bay was three miles away
I worried the seagulls had gotten off course 
Though they never seemed to show much dismay

Water bugs swam near the river bank
They flitted about, here and there
There were hundreds of buglets in each big swarm
Every one of them heading nowhere 

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