Saturday, October 27, 2018

Jack and Jill: An Afterword

Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after
(Anon., 17th century)

Oh Jill, sweet Jill, how could you?
How could you push me down that hill?
I banged my head, I bruised my toe 
A bumpy, frightening spill    

Oh Jack, dear friend, I feel for you
But you were pawing at me 
I pushed you away to protect myself
Then you tripped on a rock, you see

But we climbed that hill to kiss and hug 
There’s no water on top of a hill
Why would you go there if not to kiss?  
Girls’ moods befuddle me still  

No water on top of the hill?
So why did we bring your pail?
I held your arm to rescue you
Then I too tumbled down the trail 

You held my arm to rescue me?
here i feared you were doing me in 
Oh Jill, this fills me with such relief 
The thought of it makes my head spin 

Oh Jack, you are such a silly boy 
But you mustn’t grab girls by force
If you ever in life hope to get a kiss
Please stop being boorish and coarse 

O.K., Jill, I’ll see you soon

O.K.,  Jack, see you later  

Saturday, October 20, 2018


My wife  —  ultra distressed
Scouring the bedroom
Boxes flung about 
“I can’t find them!” 
She is missing two
pieces of jewelry
One a necklace
from her best friend Eleanor
The cleaning lady, I point out,
has had different helpers lately
“I’m not saying but…”
Then I offer my suggestion that
a lock box might be
a good idea

(Very long pause)
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
I ask
“Not particularly,” my wife 
“I could put my 
valuables in it too,” I add
getting more excited by my idea
“You don’t have any valuables,”
my wife says in a 
matter-of-fact tone 
“I do so … of course I do”

(Several minutes of silent thought)

There are my cuff links from Target
Or my large toenail clipper
Also my Roger Federer socks  
Then it comes to me:
“My Swiss Army knife!”

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Vine Street Bees, Cool Chefs

                Headline:  “Downtown Cincinnati street buzzed 
by bees, Orchids chefs capture swarm” 
[Cincinnati Enquirer, Oct. 10, 2018]

A ho-hum Monday in downtown Cincinnati
Then, like a scene out of Hitchcock  
Twelve thousand bees descend from the sky
Setting up shop at Fourth and Vine
Outside the door of the Orchids restaurant

Bees in all directions
Buzzing, flitting, flapping
Lounging on cars, signs, parking meters
Covering the sidewalks to fifty feet in the air

Pedestrians panic, office workers flee
A hot dog vendor dials 911
A mother hurries her toddlers away
Police are befuddled
Some new form of terrorism?

Word reaches staff in the Orchids kitchen
Executive sous chef Mallory Myers
                Executive chef George Zappas
                                spring into action
Donning their handy beekeeper suits
they rush to the midst of the throbbing swarm
desperately searching for the queen
Twelve thousand worker bees but only one queen
Larger than the rest
and likely near the center of the flock

In mere minutes 
Myers finds the queen
and Zappas entices her into the box
The workers, naturally, follow their queen
And as quickly as it started
the invasion of the bees has come to its end
Not one single drone on Vine Street

Too late in the autumn to start a new hive
Orchids is providing a comfortable home 
These bees, so happy in their new domicile
will produce gallons of honey 
for Orchids and their appreciative patrons

Sunday, October 7, 2018

My Very First Post Mo dern Po emmmm

In the beginning
The cavern entrance sealed
A cesspool of rancid        liquid
laps against tender walls
Nausea ….. Vomitus
Leeches and deadly eels
wriggle toward 
the surface
Putrid odors of the primeval lake
       threaten to befoul 
the earth and the heavens

[Author note #1: My first stanza, as is clear from its many metaphors (beginning, darkness, cavern, liquid, walls, odors, nausea, etc.), is a description of what my mouth tastes like when I first wake up in the morning.]

The sun creaks over the hilltops
Lyrical songs of the meadow lark
Gentle winds sweep the cobwebs
off white stone fences
and waft delicate fragrances
of lilacs and wisteria 
across the Elysian fields 

[Author note #2:  Continuing my early morning experience at the bathroom sink, the second stanza describes what my mouth tastes like after I brush my teeth with Colgate toothpaste.]  

the thunderclouds part              Lightning flashes!!!
Yellow eyes blazing
Vengeance afoot
Protecting the vulnerable sibling 
The Black Beast spreads her massive wings 
ripping at my rib cage with her talons
feasting on pungent black blood
Near death, heart ripped asunder
I seek and draw sustenance from the pale brown tortoni
A flicker of hope
Then a choir of angels 

[Author note #3: Later in the day, my concluding stanza describes how much my mouth enjoys  butterscotch ice cream after my Mother punishes me for torturing my younger Brother.]

La Fin          Lopussa          Koniec