Wednesday, June 12, 2024



The older I get,
the more I read the daily obituaries.
Interesting but depressing. 
Just about all the dead people in Cincinnati 
have had more impressive lives than mine. 
When I draft my obituary in my mind, 
I run out of items after 6 or 7 lines. 
I didn’t belong to any groups of note. 
Wasn’t the champ at my golf club. 
Actually, I didn’t even have a golf club. 
I wasn’t the CEO, 
didn’t serve on any boards, 
didn’t volunteer for charity. 
never did gardening 
or scuba diving 
or wood-working 
or travels to the Far East. 
My obituary kind of sounds like a footnote. 
I think I will tell them 
to list my age and cause of death, 
my sundry relatives, 
a list of family dogs, 
No. 2 singles on my high school tennis team, 
my introverted nature. 
That’s about it. 
Instead of flowers, 
send contributions to the SPCA.

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