We check in at two, head straight for the beach
At the top of the dune a new world bursts into view
White sand for miles, like a blanket of snow
Facing us from the west, the vast expanse of the Gulf of Mexico
Blue-black in the distance, lighter shades in the middle
Then pale green as it arrives near the shore
Rhythmic sounds of waves and beach colliding
The horizon, a perfectly straight line from north to south
Separating/connecting the sea and the sky
Sunshine, gentle breezes, bathers enveloped in warmth
The beach is dotted with bright blue umbrellas
A long-legged bird prowls the water’s edge
Locked inside seashells, ancient crabs dig burrows in the sand
Two pelicans pass overhead, oblivious to the intruders below
But pushy seagulls scavenge for humans’ cast-off crumbs
Waist-deep in the ocean, fishermen patiently hunt for unseen prey
I step into the water, a chill greets my ankles
Slowly, gingerly, I gradually reach waist deep
Icy needles jabbing at my skin
Finally I grit my teeth, plunge into the oncoming whitecap
Brrrr, such body-shock…
I wave my arms, bounce up and down
But then, like a miracle, the water warms to my skin
Eventually I succumb to the waves, letting them carry me back to the shore
Katja is napping in her beach chair
Her cheeks already turning reddish-pink
Tiny sails in the distance, kite-surfers flitting across the waves
Bicyclists and joggers use the hard sand as a roadway
Inside a giant sand castle, a small boy adds still one more turret
A young couple throw a baseball, two girls gather shells
I read a few chapters, solve one Sudoku puzzle, fail on a second
So warm and peaceful, I drift off too
Dreaming of younger days on the beach in Wildwood
We break for supper, return at eight
The sun, just halfway through its twilight extravaganza
Wispy clouds, brilliant yellows, oranges, and reds, a lavender backdrop
A crowd has assembled at the water’s edge
All facing west, enamored of the show
The huge red ball touches the horizon, then slowly disappears into the sea
Curtains drawn, the audience departs, the beach goes to sleep
The ocean shore — a world we rarely experience
So opposite from our mundane Midwestern environment
And we, in these alien surroundings, are turned into different beings
Better, happier beings, more together, more in tune
Will we hold onto those blissful moments?
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