Monday, January 9, 2017

First Tweets

I have to admit I am out of the loop
I never have learned how to tweet
I do know they’re one forty characters max
And when written in rhyme they’re quite sweet

The next time we see our grandkids
I will ask them to teach me some Twitter
In the meantime I’m practicing writing tweets
Here’s a few that have led me to titter

Hello Hello to all my dear friends
I am tweeting for the very first time
I’m going to tell you what’s new in my life
And I’ll try to avoid all the grime

I purchased three quarts of spumoni
Then hid them downstairs in the freezer
I chose not to share a dish with my wife
Since she thinks me a selfish old geezer

I haven’t slept well for umpteen years
Now my doc’s saying Ambien’s bad
I suppose he thinks I’m addicted
But no Ambien and I’ll be ultra sad

The vet’s office called with a question last week
They offered us two Labradoodles
Our hearts skipped a beat when we pondered this
If we do it we’re out of our noodles

I drove Katja out to the suburbs
She nagged me each mile of the way
“Look out!,” “Slow down!,” she yelled in my ears
I encouraged her to silently pray

Our dishwasher went on the fritz
Our service agreement’s from Sears
They said they could come in twenty-nine days
That’s better than twenty-nine years

My wife chats with strangers at the airport
A habit that makes me uneasy
I never can think of something to say
So I just stand around looking queasy

We are back from our holiday vacation
Life at home seems to be rather boring
We go nowhere and we do nothing
My most robust action is snoring

Katja wants to get a new car
Our old car has 80K miles
It strikes me it’s running perfectly fine
So I simply reply with vague smiles

I’m taking these pills for blood sugar
They’re useful for staying alive
I have to pay about eight cents a day
That’s o.k. if they help me survive

The wristband broke on my Fitbit
Now I carry it in my pocket instead
I never get close to ten thousand steps
You might say I’m a Fitbit Dumbhead

We are cooped up by such freezing weather
I need to get out of the house
And then making matters even worse
Our kitchen’s now home to a mouse

Maybe it’s two mice who live in our kitchen
They get crumbs in the middle of the night
I’m thinking of buying some mousetraps
Though murder seems quite impolite

So these are the tweets that I’ve dreamed up so far
Possibilities, of course, are quite endless
I’m eager to send out my very first tweet
I hope I don’t prove to be friendless

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