Now approaching the midpoint
of my ninth decade,
I’ve acquired a certain expertise
about how to live to a ripe old age.
Some time ago my doctor
advised me to do three things.
Take my pills religiously,
drink many cups of water,
exercise every day.
I do fine at taking my pills
but I rarely remember to drink water
and I’m definitely slack on exercise.
If I can improve on these things,
I will add years to my life.
My layman’s opinion is
that longevity also
depends on happiness.
Happy people don’t
stress out their innards
and are motivated
to stick around.
I watch the Derry Girls on Netflix
and read Dave Barry at bedtime,
so many inner chuckles.
Most important of all, owning a dog.
No other creature in the universe
is so faithful, so adoring,
so convinced that you are numero uno.
Dogs increase one’s well-being threefold or more.
I am working at all these things.
Pills, water, exercise, happiness, dogs.
If I succeed in four or more,
I will definitely live to one hundred.