Monday, December 12, 2022


Excited to be back in our favorite city
J and K's new home, so spacious and pretty
They’ve moved to Wirth Place 
For our youth, a new base 
And don’t forget Li’l Paws and the kitty 

Our first night, J made Skyline Chili 
NOLA Skyline might sound a bit silly 
But it tasted so good 
We knew that he could 
This Big Easy creation was a dilly 

The Southern Jewish Museum is grand 
Gripping stories presented firsthand 
It touched upon fears 
And we shed a few tears 
Jews making the rural South their homeland 

K brought us to lunch at Freret Faire 
Rouse’s deli with their own pastrami flair 
The guy messed up our check 
Saved five dollars by heck 
I stayed silent, pretended we were square 

Our grandkids’ report cards, straight A’s 
Their teachers had nothing but praise 
Math and English and art 
To excel takes such heart 
Eighth grade mastered, A and L do amaze 

Dat Dog has the fanciest treats 
Alligator sausage, weirdest of meats 
We took a bench outside 
Stuffed our guts till we cried 
Then rode home on the bumpiest streets 

We went to the Newman High game 
Arch Manning’s already gained fame 
He’s headed for Texas 
Perhaps with a Lexus 
But Arch’s team, I must say, they looked lame 

To the Quarter and the famous Redfish Grill 
Delicious plus a not-too-bad bill 
For me, a po-boy
Raw oysters, Katja’s joy 
Redfish chefs have the best Cajun skill 

Thanksgiving p.m., to the track 
People costumed like Lulu and Mac 
Our group bet some dough 
But our nags were too slow 
So we bugged out, came home for a snack 

J cooked up a twenty-pound turkey 
Filled its skin with butter, so quirky 
All the family did sides 
Boosted triglycerides 
So scrumptious we all felt quite perky 

At the Orleans Historic Collection 
A tour of Notre Dame’s resurrection 
Viewed a digital display 
Filmed from every which way 
Holy Moly, this cathedral nears perfection 

 Off to Marsalis Park, the Art Mart 
 Paintings, jewelry, we loved every part 
 Classic New Orleans scenes 
 And the pics of drag queens 
 All that beauty infuses one’s heart 

Ted’s Frostop is a circa fifties diner 
Never been to a diner that’s finer 
Their burgers were tops 
Not to mention soda pops 
Dreamed up by some kitschy designer 

We shopped at the parkway Goodwill 
My black leather belt, such a thrill 
It cost just six bucks
And it’s ultra-deluxe 
It will last till I’m in the landfill 

Our group did the Museum of Art 
Black photographers, portraits so smart 
Bourgeois in acrylic 
Surreal scenes idyllic 
Too sad that we had to depart 

We watched the Big Ten’s top-ranked game 
U. of M., O.S.U., such acclaim 
And wonder of wonders 
The Buckeyes made blunders 
And our Wolverines affirmed their fierce name 

M.S. Rau sells antiques and fine art 
It helps set Royal Street apart 
Picasso, a million two 
Chagall prices, “Whew Whew” 
A million-dollar chess set tickled my heart 

La Crepe Nanou on our very last night 
The perfect wind-up ahead of our flight 
My salmon was delicious 
The dessert was capricious 
Nanou was a connoisseur’s delight 

To the airport, beignets at Morning Call 
Big jolts of strong coffee for all 
So sad to be leaving 
Already we’re grieving 
This trip, we agree, was a ball