This is my entire family
including myself
Our best family picture ever
That’s me on the floor with
Ruthie and my new rifle
Ruthie turned twelve this week
She is holding Brutus
but just for this picture
Brutus is my dog mostly
He loves me more than anyone
My parents say Ruthie is boy crazy
and they won’t let her
go to the mall with her friends
which makes her cry and pout
My big sister is Dorene
Dorene hates boys
She is seventeen
and nobody asked her to the senior prom
Not even that dorky Sheldon Breckburn
That makes Dorene so angry
My dad is like the general in our family
He is sitting in the middle
We are his army
He gives us orders every day
and we all obey
(or else)
My mother is very beautiful
She’s not smiling in this photo
because she asked my dad for money
to buy a new dress
and he said she has to wait
for a couple of months
Right after our neighbor Ed took this picture
we grilled catfish on the front porch
It was the best Fourth of July yet