“Flight to Ohio delayed after woman
brings ‘emotional support squirrel’”
[Headline, Cincinnati Enquirer, Oct. 8, 2018]
My name is Lupita Louie
Some of you know me as the Squirrel Girl
Yes I was she on the Horizon flight
Terrorized for only wanting emotional support
Arrested, interrogated, investigated, humiliated
Emotional Support — Ha Ha!
Horizon Airlines
the satanic home of Anti-Support
My squirrel’s name is Lupitia
Yes, she took her name from me
her best friend, her sister in spirit
Lupitia is two years and two months old
I rescued her
when her deceased mother had an unfortunate
experience with my cat
Lupitia and I go everywhere together
The soda fountain, the cookie store, the dentist
She is always welcome
True, she is terrified of people
But still she is gentle and harmless
Why should Horizon Airlines be hostile to rodents?
What’s next? No chinchillas?
They allow miniature support horses, for goodness sake
In any case
We did fly back to Cleveland
I bought my new ticket on Jet Blue
The emotionally supportive airline
I duct taped the windows in Lupitia’s crate
and told the stewardess she was a support kitten
Lupitia never let out a peep
If you are outraged by my story
and want to give emotional support
Please go to my GoFundMe page
and donate ten dollars
Sincerely yours
Lupita Louie